What makes the Enchanted Journey membership different from others available?
We work at the intersection of the practical and the magical. Got a ringing in your ears? We won’t tell you that it’s a spiritual sign unless you think it is. Sometimes you’ve just got a ringing in your ears. If you like data and science AND you like the mysteries of the universe and toeing the line of reality a bit, we’re a good fit for you.
The way we use the word ‘witch’ is different from others. We’ll teach you how to make a crystal grid, connect to the energy of plants, and put some protection energy on your house. We’ll also teach you that you can change your thoughts, remain in your personal power, and make magic only with your essence. Being a witch is about standing in your power when you’re being ‘othered’ or tired of only existing in the nooks and crannies in life more than it’s about doing anything in particular.
Our team goes above and beyond to create space for a wide ranging group of women who come from different backgrounds, belief systems, age and stage of life. We don’t deal in absolutes and specifically work on our ability to hold two truths at the same time and cultivate that energy within the group.
We know you’re busy and create experiences that can be enjoyed in the small spaces of time that appear in life. If you can’t ever watch a single video, you’ll get a full and wonderful experience right in the chat spaces. If you don’t like utilizing the chat space, you’ll find plenty to explore in the class vault.