This is Your Enchanted Journey - Exploring your Goddess Archetype
This Is Your Enchanted Journey
Join Carol Lee in exploring your Goddess Archetype starting in 2023

All elements of the natural world are within us and each one of these elements has a personality, gifts, talents and challenges.

Step into the wild lands with me and enter the Earth Energies Sacred Temple to activate your inner Earth Energies Goddess codes. These codes are held within every cell in our body, a vibration that can be used for healing, transformation and creating magic. Some of these goddesses you will recognize straight away, some you may feel disconnected from.

In this series of 6 classes we will explore each of these goddesses together. In the first class you will hear about each of the Goddesses and then go on to discover which of them you are naturally aligned to; this Goddess holds the key to your natural gifts and talents. Then in each of the following classes we will activate and amplify the natural magic of each goddess. There will be a journaling sheet for each class to support you with this.

Class 1 - Introduction to the five Earth Energies Goddesses

Class 2 - Goddess of the Waters, holder of strength and flow - healer clairaudient

Class 3 - Goddess of the Forest, holder of creativity and visioning - visionary and seer

Class 4 - Goddess of the Flames, holder of passion and joy - joy bringer, heart healer

Class 5 - Goddess of the Land, holder of nourishment and holding - nurturer and gatherer in

Class 6 - Goddess of the Crystals, holder of inspiration and release - Inspirer

Are you Goddess of the Waters, holder of strength and flow?

Gift - healer, clairaudient

The Goddess of the Waters likes to hide herself. She shows herself most obviously during the Winter months in the stark views, the snow fall and the need for endurance and tenacity. Like a beautiful iceberg most of her beauty is hidden below the surface, like the deep water table that gently waters the Land. Her tenacity and strength is unquestioned as she hols the whole foundation of life with fearlessness.

If you are a Goddess of the Waters you may love to spend time near or in water. You may overcome your natural cautiousness to show your great determination and stamina

Are you Goddess of the Forest, holder of creativity and visioning?

Gift - visionary, clairvoyant

The Goddess of the Forest loves to move fast. She shows herself most obviously during the Spring months in the fresh green growth, the growing light and the feeling of hope for the year ahead.

Like a beautiful old tree her strength is in how she feels connected to the earth and to the heavens at the same time. Her beautiful planning abilities and assertive nature means she gets things done in a grounded way.

If you are a Goddess of the Forest you probably love a nice new journal and coloured pens to start making lists. Nature time means you love to sit with your back against an old wise tree and soak up the inspiring energy. You naturally have great ideas and love to make plan, your challenge may be to put your plan into action.

ls that curve around our body’s structure and topography like rivers. I see these points as vortices of potential and transformation connecting us to our soul potential.

Are you Goddess of the Flames, holder of passion and joy?

Gift - open hearted joy bringer

The Goddess of the Flames loves to joyfully play and dance. She shows herself most obviously during the Summer months when the fire ball in the sky brings heat and long days, a time for socializing and sleeping out under the stars.

Like a beautiful blazing fire radiating beauty she brings joy and warmth to those she connects with. Her arms reach out and draw you in to the convivial atmosphere.

If you are a Goddess of the Flames you love to connect with people either one to one or in groups, networking can feel easy for you. You love the sensuality of nature and feeling connected to the seasons.

Are you Goddess of the Land, holder of nourishment and holding?

Gift - Body intuitive

The Goddess of the Land is grounded and earthy. She shows herself most obviously during the harvest seasons months in the bountiful fields of fullness. With her expansive nurturing nature she is a gatherer of people, resources, ideas which she can turn over and make something beautiful from. Her gentle steadiness holds the day to day rhythm, the heart of the family with kindness and understanding.

If you are a Goddess of the Land you may love to walk the land to nourish yourself. Your challenge may be to find the balance between giving to yourself and giving to those around you.

Are you Goddess of the Crystals, holder of inspiration and release?

Gift - Channel and connector

The Goddess of the Crystals is inspiring and insightful. She shows herself most obviously during the beautiful Fall months when nature is clearing and releasing. With her insightful nature she can bring laser focused clarity to a situation. Her ability to stand alone in her sovereignty inspires others to do the same.

If you are a Goddess of the Crystals you may like to reach out and connect with others as you feel they don’t approach you and you can feel isolated. Your etherial lightness may mean your challenge is to feel grounded and connected to the everyday world.

The powerful Earth Energies Goddess activation points are laid out across the landscape of our bodies, found on the flowing energy channels that curve around our body’s structure and topography like rivers. I see these points as vortices of potential and transformation connecting us to our soul potential.
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