Mend Your Stories, Conjure Abundance begins soon!
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Are you ready to shift your energy around money and abundance?
Uncover the stories living in your energy that are disrupting your relationship with money so you can mend the generational wounds that keep you feeling disconnected from possibility, magic, and abundance.
Are you ready to shift your energy around money and abundance?
Uncover the stories living in your energy that are disrupting your relationship with money so you can mend the generational wounds that keep you feeling disconnected from possibility, magic, and abundance.

Join the free 4 part event and become part of the Sisters Enchanted community that has been growing and making magic since 2016.

May 20-23 daily at 12pm ET (replays included)!


Try us out for FREE for the next two weeks. No credit card needed!

A free 4 part online event by the Sisters Enchanted

Reclaim your money and abundance energy and change your course once and for all.

Are you ready to take the happy feelings you associate with the word *abundance* and apply them to the way you feel about money?
Then this might be for you if...
🌱The word 'mend' feels just right when you think of stitching together the generational stories and energy you carry from your past with the future you can't even picture yet

🌱You don't immediately turn to thoughts like, 'money is evil and bad', when you consider joining

🌱You're not looking for a miracle, quick fix, or someone to save you in regard to money, abundance, or  manifestation (cause you won't find that here)

🌱The word 'witch' doesn't bother you and you're excited about linking arms with a witchy band of misfits from various belief systems, ages, and stages of life

Here's what we'll do in the free 4 part event:
🪻Explore the three lower chakras and repair energy around feeling secure in abundance, mend the guilt around spending, and stitch up the visibility holes tied to money

🪻Uncover barriers to receiving and mend the heart energy that is at the root of all abundance and money guardianship

🪻Deepen into our collective and inner wisdom by exploring the three upper chakras and what we communicate, believe, and trust to be true around resources, worthiness, and abundance

🪻Circle together virtually for an abundance ritual to amplify self-trust, gratitude, and resource abundance
Here's what we'll do in the free 4 part event:
🪻Explore the three lower chakras and repair energy around feeling secure in abundance, mend the guilt around spending, and stitch up the visibility holes tied to money

🪻Uncover barriers to receiving and mend the heart energy that is at the root of all abundance and money guardianship

🪻Deepen into our collective and inner wisdom by exploring the three upper chakras and what we communicate, believe, and trust to be true around resources, worthiness, and abundance

🪻Circle together virtually for an abundance ritual to amplify self-trust, gratitude, and resource abundance

It's your time to...

Find your people.

Mend your money stories.

And, conjure abundance.

It's your time to...

Find your people.

Mend your money stories.

And, conjure abundance.


✨ What time do the LIVE Events take place?
Each event will take place at 12pm ET.

✨ Will there be replays?
Replays for each event will be available until May 31st. So if you miss the LIVE event, you can watch it when it works for you!

✨You use the word 'witch' a lot. What if I'm [a specific religion, call myself something else, etc.]?
There are many different kinds of witches, ways of being a witch and the word ‘witch’ often differs accordingly. When we hear the word witch we think of the power that comes with casting off the safety blanket of normalcy and embracing your most authentic self through healing, deeply rooted connection to the energies of the earth and sky, and the spreading of unconditional love far and wide. We are open and affirming to all belief systems and welcome you in even if you don’t like or don’t use the word ‘witch’. We have people in our community who are Christian, Orthodox Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Pagan and Wiccan; everyone that leads with kindness is welcome here.

✨ How are the materials presented?
Once you register for the event, you will receive a welcome email with all the details on joining the community space where you can access all the good stuff! We're hosting our LIVE event in our community space on YouTube and we'll deliver your event material in your inbox.

✨ What time do the LIVE Events take place?
Each event will take place at 10am ET.

✨ Will there be replays?
Replays for each event will be available until May 31st. So if you miss the LIVE event, you can watch it when it works for you!

✨You use the word 'witch' a lot. What if I'm [a specific religion, call myself something else, etc.]?
There are many different kinds of witches, ways of being a witch and the word ‘witch’ often differs accordingly. When we hear the word witch we think of the power that comes with casting off the safety blanket of normalcy and embracing your most authentic self through healing, deeply rooted connection to the energies of the earth and sky, and the spreading of unconditional love far and wide. We are open and affirming to all belief systems and welcome you in even if you don’t like or don’t use the word ‘witch’. We have people in our community who are Christian, Orthodox Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Pagan and Wiccan; everyone that leads with kindness is welcome here.

✨ How are the materials presented?
Once you register for the event, you will receive a welcome email with all the details on joining the community space where you can access all the good stuff! We're hosting our LIVE event in our community space on YouTube and we'll deliver your event material in your inbox.

Who's behind this whole thing?

Founded in 2016 the Sisters Enchanted has helped tens of thousands of women create more confidence, spiritual practices that feel right, and the energy to stop procrastinating on life and start living it - all with our unique one-two punch of metaphysics (think tarot, astrology, and full moon "stuff") and self-help mindset work.

Head Magic Maker Sara Walka combines her Master's in Education and years of working with people who learn outside-the-box with her two decades personal practice in metaphysics and nature spirituality to bring a unique thought work model to our community that blends the magical and the practical like no one else. Sara won't judge you for how you show up on camera or how many mistakes you make but she will judge you by your choice of pizza've been warned.

Anna Tower brings a decade of experience in the health and wellness industry with her fifteen years of astrology study to Team TSE and is a teacher in our programming and the Head of Program Delivery. Anna's the person who will make a four course meal from scratch and make sure you have a seat at the table. She won't judge you for your lack of tarot skills but she will judge you for your distaste of smutty fiction novels (that's probably not anyone reading this page, ha!).

Kelly Sroka will be hosting part four alongside Sara in this event and if there's a spiritual tool out there - Kelly's dabbled in it. Staring down her soon-to-be empty nest, Kelly decided it was time for a change. Fast forward to the present and Kelly teaches across all programming here at TSE and brings a wealth of knowledge in metaphysics that she teaches in a non-complicated way thanks to her background in education. Kelly won't judge you for asking questions but she might judge you for not taking a chance on yourself and doing the thing that feels uncomfortable. Just kidding, Kelly's from the south and she's too nice to judge anyone...we think 😉

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Terms           Privacy          The Sisters Enchanted, LLC 2024