Reclaim your money and abundance energy and change your course once and for all.
Who's behind this whole thing?
Anna Tower brings a decade of experience in the health and wellness industry with her fifteen years of astrology study to Team TSE and is a teacher in our programming and the Head of Program Delivery. Anna's the person who will make a four course meal from scratch and make sure you have a seat at the table. She won't judge you for your lack of tarot skills but she will judge you for your distaste of smutty fiction novels (that's probably not anyone reading this page, ha!).
Kelly Sroka will be hosting part four alongside Sara in this event and if there's a spiritual tool out there - Kelly's dabbled in it. Staring down her soon-to-be empty nest, Kelly decided it was time for a change. Fast forward to the present and Kelly teaches across all programming here at TSE and brings a wealth of knowledge in metaphysics that she teaches in a non-complicated way thanks to her background in education. Kelly won't judge you for asking questions but she might judge you for not taking a chance on yourself and doing the thing that feels uncomfortable. Just kidding, Kelly's from the south and she's too nice to judge anyone...we think 😉