Welcome, Wanderer!

Here's what you need to know about being a Wanderer:

Very excited about doing the thing! But then maybe doing the other thing! And the other thing!

May feel as if they are taking all the action in the world but aren’t really getting anywhere significant OR may get very excited to start, have all the to-dos mapped out and then sort of freeze in the action

Aligned with air energies, spring, suit of swords in tarot, first quarter moons, and integrating in our 5i Spiral

Feathers, air plants, pinwheels, windchimes, dandelion wishes

You make other people feel like they can do anything and like opportunity is around every corner

As a child you may have had many interests but didn’t really follow through with one for the long haul

You might worry about not doing enough

✨You may have a fear of failure - if you don’t complete anything, you can’t fail

Wanderers may find themselves at odds with Dreamers because that is your opposing energy

You share the commonality of needing to strengthen trust in source, god, universe with Dreamers

Adventurers are where to look out because you can both become impulsive and encourage one another to stray from your north star

🔥There is undeniable power in a Wanderer who is confident in their ability to follow through with one thing and take it to the finish line, the problem is, most don’t

➡️➡️What would it feel like to believe in your ability to follow-through and take action without worrying that you aren’t doing enough or are going to fail? That you can take an action that will move you forward and expand the areas of your life that you desire to grow?
Heal your energy and begin to step into expansion and creation through Physical Self-Care.

Here's some tips for you:

Physical Activity Exploration:
  • Practice: Wanderers are encouraged to engage in various physical activities that resonate with their adventurous spirit. This could include trying different sports, outdoor adventures, or even dance classes. The key is to explore physical activities that are both enjoyable and challenging.
  • Benefit: This practice allows Wanderers to connect with their bodies in a dynamic and enjoyable way. Engaging in diverse physical activities not only enhances physical health but also provides mental stimulation and emotional satisfaction, aligning with the Wanderer's love for exploration and new experiences.

Yoga and Flexibility Training:
  • Practice: Incorporate yoga or flexibility training into the daily or weekly routine. These practices focus on both physical flexibility and mental resilience, offering a balanced approach to physical self-care.
  • Benefit: Yoga and flexibility training can be particularly beneficial for Wanderers as they encourage a sense of inner balance and calm. These practices help in managing stress and maintaining mental clarity, which is essential for Wanderers who thrive on change and exploration.

Nature-Based Exercise:
  • Practice: Regularly engage in exercise routines that can be performed in natural settings, like hiking, jogging in a park, or beach workouts. The goal is to combine physical exercise with the therapeutic effects of being in nature.
  • Benefit: For Wanderers, who often seek connection with the external world and new experiences, exercising in nature can be incredibly fulfilling. It not only improves physical fitness but also nurtures their connection with the environment, enhancing their overall sense of well-being.
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